Monday, April 5, 2010

Spring! Spring! Spring!

Ah, Spring!!! She has arrived in full force here in Ohio, and we are ever so grateful. I can't remember an early warm spring like this, at least not in recent enough memory, and oh it is such a treat. My back porch is proving to be a spectacular spot for yoga. We live in a quiet neighborhood with a big yard, and since ours is a 3-season porch with indoor/outdoor carpet, it's nearly perfect for yoga. If only my husband weren't washing the car right in front of me every time I spread out my yoga mat...

I spent a lot of time in the garden this weekend, prepping the beds for both flowers and vegetables. This weather is a temptress - I fear a lot of people will put their flowers and veggies in too early; since we are still about 7 weeks away from the last frost date for our area, that would be a big mistake!!! I will resist!! Except, I am going to go ahead and sow cilantro and basil outside. I'll start some on the porch too, just in case the weather zaps the ones outdoors. But that's all, I swear, I won't put in anything else outdoors yet.

Unless I just can't resist, that is. I have a feeling there will be lots more to report on this garden saga this year.

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