Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Covey wowed me (or, Universe, I'm Listening...)

One of my favorite new books/philosophies on interpersonal relationship and business management is "The Speed of Trust" by Stephen M.R. Covey (of FranklinCovey and CoveyLink). So I wrote to him several days ago to tell him how much I appreciate his book and his research on the subject of trust. And today, HE WROTE BACK TO ME!!!! I won't stalk him or seek his counsel or presume him to be my new best friend, but I am seriously impressed.

The universe has overwhelmed me with greatness over the past few days: first the weekend with Rebecca Lerner (and Vicky Elwell and Racquel Graham, I must add) and now a personal email from Stephen M.R. Covey! Makes me wonder what else is in store for me? I'M LISTENING, UNIVERSE, with all of my senses and a heart open to hearing the message. What is it you want me to hear?!?

As the CoveyLink people would say, "Keep making waves."


  1. Big fan of Covey also. He did the program below which expanded on the book.


  2. Thanks very much for this link. I'm slowly making my way through all of the "stuff" related to the book and available online. I think this is a dynamite and much-needed area of study in general!
