Thursday, March 18, 2010

Painting and yoga

As it turns out, my painting project had everything to do with yoga. That is to say, the stamina required for many yoga poses was required throughout the completion of the project. As I suffered through a mighty sore hand (applying three coats of paint within 36 hours can have that effect), shoulders and even buttocks. And then faced a shortage of paint, having purchased an insufficient quantity to finish the room.

A word on deciding what quantity of paint to buy: it was a decidedly, monstrously rookie mistake to not buy enough paint to finish the room!!!! After all these years of painting, having painted so much I simply can't calculate the number of rooms I've painted, I should have known better. And yet, there I was, faced with a wall that I could not finish because I did NOT BUY ENOUGH PAINT. Grrrr.

But I digress. So, I dug down deep and drew on my reserves of patience and perseverance (gleaned from my yoga practice, thank you very much!) as well as my years of painting experience. And I was actually able to finish the room after all, though I could not use a roller to finish it, and ended up painting it with a paintbrush to stretch my supply of paint.

In the end, I was so efficient with my brush technique and remaining paint, I had some left over that I can save for touchups! Thank you yoga and life experience!

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